Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Nashville Weekend

Howdy Friends!

We spent Sept 26-28 traveling to Nashville Superspeedway and watching Brett race.

Brett had his first crash on the track on Sept 28, Sunday morning practice. He is fine, but his bike (the Hawkenstein) needs a little work. He had to race his other Hawk (Slow One) for both races that he was in.

At the end of the weekend, he ended the season being in 1st place in Clubman, 2nd place in D-Superbike, and 3rd place in V6 lightweight (all in the North Florida Region). We are so proud of him.

In the Southeast Region, he is 1st in Clubman, tied for 2nd in D-Superbike, and 6th in V6 lightweight.

In the Mid-Central Region, he is 1st in Clubman, 2nd in D-Superbike, and 7th in V6 lightweight.

VHS photography was not there to take photo's for us, but I took a few pictures and will post them later.

Next we will head out to Road Atlanta for the Grand National Finals. This takes place in October. At this point in time, the season is officially over. Then we go to a track day in November. I believe we all get a rest in December and January. And the season begins in February.

Brett is already talking about buying another bike - one that is faster and newer. He is going to sell Hawkenstein after the GNF.

Please continue to pray for Brett.
1) That he will allow God to use him
2) That God will protect him
3) That he will do well in school

Thank you for taking the time to read the posts and pray for us.


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