Thursday, June 11, 2009

Roebling Road June 6 & 7, 2009

What a great trip! I am glad that we all brought our webbed feet along!
We had never been to Savannah before so we decided to leave on Thursday, sight see on Friday and part of Saturday, spend Sunday at the track, and head home on Monday.

The races went well. Brett came in 2nd place in two races and 7th in another.
The first race was the D Superstock (he came in 2nd), the second race was Clubman (he came in 2nd place) he only missed getting 1st place by 1/2 of a bike length.
He came in 7th in the C Superstock. He probably would have come in 6th, but his chain was very, very loose and caused him to ride slower than he would have.

Overall it was a very good weekend. It rained just about the whole time we were there. I look forward to going back in July and touring the city of Savannah again. Maybe next time it will not rain.

We hope to see you at Lil Tally on June 13th & 14th.

With all the humidity, Brett's phantom pain increases tremendously. Please continue to pray for him.

Thank you for your support!


Photos coming soon.

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