Monday, October 20, 2008

Grand National Finals 2008

What a day!!! It was a day that we will not soon forget. Thursday, October 9, 2008.

Brett and I drove over to Road Atlanta on Wednesday morning in the pouring rain. We were both thankful to make it there alive with all the nuts on the road. We nearly did have a wreck but God provided the protection we had prayed for.

Of course, we always go straight to the track to unload the bikes before we go to the hotel. But this time as soon as we got to the track, Brett bought a new R6. He bought it from a guy named Chris. It is a black Yamaha 2006 R6. It is beautiful.

Brett unloaded everything that he wanted unloaded (He does not like me to help him. He still has that "I can do it myself" attitude that he had when he was about 2 or 3 years old). He did let me help him set up the Easyup. We then went to the hotel and prayed for the deluge to stop - it did slow way down but it continued to rain. David and Stacey got in late Wednesday night. We all said good night and went off to sleep.

The next morning we woke to the sunshine which lasted only moments before the rain came down again. It rained steadily most of the morning but it stayed wet and misty until all of Brett's races were over.

The practices went well in spite of the rain. Most racers were well prepared. It was the unexpected wheel problem that about did me in.

Brett went to change his race slicks for the street tires he brought with him, but they ended up having a problem with the wheels. Time was ticking and Brett's races started soon. So I ran (no, I mean I literally ran) to the other side of the track to order rain slicks from Stick boy (He is such a super guy.) Suddenly, I realized that I had Brett's ear plugs in my pocket, and he was fixing to have to go back out on the track. So, again, I ran (no, I mean I literally ran) back to the other side of the track. By the time I got there, he already had another pair of plugs in his ears, his helmet on, and was straddled on the bike revving the engine.

Brett came in from practice on the Hawk, drove the wheels for the Hawkenstein over to Stick boy, Stick boy put the rain slicks on. Brett drove the wheels back to the pit and barely got the wheels back on in time to go out for the race.

We are all so proud of him!!! He came in 2rd place in the Clubman race. He stayed in first place the whole time until the last 300 yards then A. Creek passed him for the win. We were happy that Brett did so well, but we shared his initial disappointment.

He came in 2nd place in the D-Superstock race. The same thing happened! He stayed in first place the whole time until the last 300 yards and was passed by J. Butler. We could not believe that the same thing happened twice! Brett was not happy at first, but a few minutes of reflecting on God's protection, mercy, and grace helped him find joy, peace, and happiness.

He came in 3rd place in the D-Superbike race. We really did not know what to expect in that one. We were all pretty happy. David, Stacey, and I are all very excited for and proud of Brett. We are most thankful to God for keeping him safe throughout the season and letting him do as well as he has. We all attended the banquet on Thursday evening. Brett received his trophies that night. He was faithful to thank God for his life and for his ability to do what he loves to do.

Friday morning Stacey hopped in the truck with Brett and I got in the car with David. With thankful hearts, we began our trip home in the rain. As we traveled closer to home, the sun shone through the windows of the car. We found ourselves thanking God again for all the blessings He has given us.

Brett has some work to do on the R6 to get ready for next season. He needs to get it converted and ride it in a few track days to get comfortable with it before he starts racing it.

Again, thank you all for your prayers and your support. Please continue to pray for Brett to follow God's leadership in his life, for him to make good grades in college, and for his phantom pain to go away.

Because we do not want others to experience the pain that we have, we are asking you to please sign the following petition. It will only take about 2 minutes. Then please encourage all your friends in Alabama to sign as well.

These posts started out as a way to let people know how Brett was doing and the healing that God was blessing our son with. Now we post so that people will see how God continues to work in all of our lives. I pray that when you read these posts you will see God at work not only in our lives but also in your life. Trust in Him. He is always faithful.

Click below to see the pictures from Grand National Finals.

In Christ,


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