Monday, August 25, 2008

August 2008 Races at Little Tally

Hello Everyone!

Well another hot weekend at the races for the Cole family. And again Brett brings home trophies. He brought home a 2nd place in Clubman, 1st place in D-Superbike, and 2nd place in D-Supersport. He also came in 5th place in V6 Lightweight. We all had a good time talking with friends. We were very thankful that it did not rain!

As always, we are thankful to God for the safety of the riders. However, this race weekend there was a rider that had to be air lifted to UAB. He gave us all quite a scare, but he is already home from the hospital and is recovering well. Praise the Lord!

Please keep Brett and all the other riders in your prayers.


photos of little Tally

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