Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Wow! What a weekend!

Well, it was father's day weekend but guess where we spent it! You got it - at the track. We loaded up and went to the Little Talley Track. On Friday, Brett took the Ed Bargy Racing School and passed. He got his provisional novice license. (With a provisional license, you have to wear the green shirt.) He raced with WERA on Saturday and Sunday and got his Novice License!

On Saturday, he raced in the Vintage 6 and came in 5th out of 12. He started in 11th position. Way to go Brett!
On Sunday, he raced in the Clubman Novice and came in 3rd. He also raced in D Superbike Noice and came in 2nd. We are so proud of you Brett!

I was especially glad to hear him say, "First, I thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for keeping me alive and giving me the ability to ride. " David and I always pray for Brett when he is on the track, but racing seems to bring about more fervrant prayer - if that is possible. We pray for him and the other riders before and during their times on the track. I hope that you will remember them all as well.

See the photos below of Brett at Talley for his first race weekend ever!

Thank you all for your prayers, your support, and your love!
Coleen (aka Brett's mom)


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