Sunday, April 13, 2008

April update

Brett has recently experienced an increase in pain and discomfort. On Monday 4/7 he received another nerve block. Today he seems to be doing much better. (We continue to ask for prayer and relief from this pain.)

Two weeks ago (3/29/08) Brett enjoyed another track day at Talladega. He rode in the intermediate group and performed very well. His riding skill and confidence continue to improve both on and off the track. (He was also filmed by the Fox 6 news team in advance of a story they plan to complete about Brett.)

I know he is anxious to finish the remaining month of this term at Jeff State. He seems to be doing okay in school.

Stacey is now living at home and also attending Jeff State and is doing very well. She is also working at the Foodworld pharmacy. It has been good to have her around more often.

We are all excited about the upcoming AMA races at Barber. It is an event we all enjoy as spectators. Hope to see you there.

Recent pictures of Brett at Talladega.

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