Wednesday, November 17, 2010

phantom pain surgery

What a mighty God we serve!

The day before Bretts surgery the doctor told us that he may have to cut alot out of Brett including one of his ribs. He was not even sure that he would be able to find the right nerve to cut. We expected the surgery to take at least two hours - probably more. But because God is so merciful and does answer prayers, the surgery lasted only about an hour. The doctor was able to get right to the nerve and cut it.

When Brett woke up in the recovery room, he was in alot of pain. The pain has since seemed to come and go, but we are praying that God will remove all the pain permanantly.

Brett was able to come home the next day. He did not get much sleep while at the hospital (anyone suprised?), but now at home is sleeping rather peacefully.

We have follow-up appointment on Nov 22nd. We will let you know what is going on at that time.

Please join us in praying for Brett that God will remove all of his pain permanently!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Please pray for Brett

After seeing Dr. Meyer and discussing options, Brett has decided to let Dr. Meyer cut the C8 nerve at the spinal column. Dr. Meyer beleives that this is the best option for Brett. We are all hopeful that this will take away the pain that Brett has suffered for almost four years now.

The surgery will take place on November 16, 2010. Please keep Brett, Dr. Meyer and the hospital staff in your prayers.

God Bless You!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

August Update

Hello! We haven't posted in a while so I thought I would let you know the latest.
First, I have to tell you that between the hot weather and his lack of money, Brett just isn't racing very much this year.

It has now been over 3 1/2 years since Brett lost his arm (02/07/07). It has been a very challening time for all of us. Brett continues to keep his spirits up as much as possible, but the pain is not letting up.

Every month (sometimes more often) I go out to the internet to see if there is anything new to help with phantom pain. Brett's doctor only believed in pain medication and stellite ganglion blocks. Many times we asked her for an alternative means for pain relief because what she was doing was not helping but she had no answers.

Through my searches, I discovered many things that could help, but most did not. We tried accupuncture, the farabloc blanket, the mirror box (most help), hypnotherapy (this helped for a while), and out of desperation, we even tried a hologram sticker.

Finally, I found a doctor in Baltimore named Dr. Lee Dellon that said he could help my son. Needless to say, Brett and I went to Baltimore. Dr. Dellon was wonderful! He took his time in examining Brett and told us that with surgery Brett could be pain free! He seemed to be the only one who understood the pain that Brett suffers. He thinks that the nerve has somehow attached itself to the main artery that runs along the area where the collar bone would be. He understood that everytime Brett's heart beats, he feels pain. Of course, I cried - like a baby. Finally some help for my son!

Dr. Dellon told us that there is a doctor in B'ham named Dr. Richard Meyer that could do the surgery as well - but first, find out which nerve was the culpret.
So we went to see Dr. Meyer. He sent us to Dr. Lamar to get a block done on C8. It worked! We now know the nerve that is giving Brett soooo much trouble.

When Dr. Meyer gets a chance to look at the results, he will set up another appointment for Brett and we will hopefully discuss all the options we have available.

We covet your prayers as we face the future concerning Brett's pain and we thank God for his care throughout this difficult time.

Thank you for your time, your prayers, and your concern.
God Bless!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


It has been awhile since I posted and this is intended to be a highlight of several past blog entries. We continue to pray for relief from pain. Brett has suffered three long years. We beg God to heal Brett’s phantom pain.

Video interview of Brett. How he rides with only one arm. My favorite.
On board camera video. Get a glimpse of track speed.
Fox6 news video
Article on Brett
Riding a dirt bike
One of my favorite pictures among over 1000 we have….

Enjoy the rest of the blog and thanks for sharing any thoughts or comments.

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