Saturday, August 4, 2007

Brett Cole update as of August 4, 2007 - Brett's back on the track!

Shortly after his accident six months ago Brett said he would ride again. As a parent I did not want him do anything that could cause harm but Brett is a very determined young man.

I would not have believed it if I did not see it with my own eyes. Last weekend Brett was back on the track at the Barbers Motor Speedway. He overcame some fear and trepidation and successfully rode his left hand controlled Hawk. (See the pictures…)

Brett was very meticulous in his preparations as he is in most things related to motorcycles. He first bought a small dirt bike, converted the throttle to the left side and began practicing riding. He practiced with and without the prosthetic arm. He then took the next step of riding off road with friend Mark Cambron. He finally was ready to ride the Hawk and I ran beside him as he tested his ability to control ride at slow speeds. (It reminded me of running beside a child as they learn to ride a bike.)

He purchased new safety gear and signed up for the upcoming track day. The rest is history! Brett plans to keep riding on the track but has no intentions of getting back on the road. After passing a new driving test, the State of Alabama has released him to drive a car or motorcycle (the only restriction is no manual transmission!)

We received good news recently regarding Brett’s situation with Jeff State. They have granted him a two year scholarship and will provide someone to take notes if needed. (Brett’s handwriting is getting better but is slow.)

Brett has continued to work on and sell motorcycles. He made a nice profit on one bike and paid me back some seed money. We only have four motorcycles in the garage now and hopefully that will soon be down to three.

Stacey is now home from her summer camp lifeguard job. She and I canoed the Hiawassee River a few weeks ago and spent some quality time together. She returns to Samford as a Sophomore on the 27th.

Coleen, Brett and I finally moved our church membership to Park Ave Baptist church in Moody. We are happy there.

We still await final settlement from Travelers Insurance. They have moved very slowly and have not yet agreed to a fair payment for property damages. We are grateful for the fine work of our attorney Leon Ashford as he represents us in this matter.

We recently learned that the women that hit Brett had yet another car wreck. She was also apparently arrested for selling drugs to an undercover officer. I pray that they will keep her off the road and that justice will be done.

Brett continues to battle episodes of pain. He had two nerve blocks during July and these seem to provide some relief. He works out three times per weeks and that also seems to help. A change in weather, barometric pressure or cold seems to cause the greatest discomfort. Despite the nagging pain, he seldom complains but Coleen and I grieve when he hurts.

We are thankful for the continued prayers and support for Brett and our family. The Lord has continued to show us His grace and power throughout this saga. We have witnessed miracles and the wonderful acts of kindness of friends, family and God’s people. Brett’s courage and determination is an inspiration to us all.

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