Saturday, April 28, 2007

Brett Cole update as of April 28, 2007

Brett Cole update as of Saturday April 28, 2007


I am thankful to God that Brett will celebrate his 18th birthday on May 6th.   We are encouraged by the progress that he has made over the past 11 weeks.  The Lord has answered many of our prayers and we give thanks for his sustaining grace.  I ask you to continue to remember Brett in your prayers and ask God to remove the phantom pains.  These continue to trouble Brett but they seem to be a little less frequent and sometimes less intense.  Brett is scheduled for his third nerve block on Thursday and we pray for further pain relief.  He seems to get some relief from these but they have a delayed reaction.


Despite his torment, Brett continues to engage in some of his usual activities.  We spent last weekend at the AMA motorcycle races at the Barber motor sports park.  (This is an incredible facility that everyone should see at least once.)  Brett was fortunate and thankful to receive tickets for each day of the race and he shared the fun with his friend Justin, Coleen, Stacey and me.  


Brett spent some time in the paddock area and met a mechanic with only one arm.  Brett also was able to sit on the actual Honda race bike driven by Miguel Duhamel. He also met, shook hands with, and got the personal card of Kenny Roberts, Sr. (a famous motorcycle racer with two sons who now race).


Brett continues his occupational therapy at Lakeshore and this seems to be helping him physically and mentally.  His grip strength has increased from 112 pounds to 130 pounds.  (Be advised that this is a bone crushing grip strength!)  He is able to move his shoulder and has some deep muscle control.  They are focused on strengthening his pectoral, trapesius, and core muscles.  They also encourage him to strengthen his left arm. His scars are healing well and part of the therapy is touch and massage in the injured area.  


The therapist (Cheryl) at Lakeshore has been very helpful and encouraging.  She has studied to become familiar with motorcycles and has demonstrated a genuine concern and care for Brett's well being. She can get him to do the exercises without Brett complaining, and he doesn't mind when she massages his scars. She instructs him about his posture and he obeys immediately. (Coleen wishes for the same type response from him at home!)


We have visited three Prosthetists that have said that Brett will have many choices on which prosthesis he will be able to use. If he is going to continue to ride the motorcycle on the track (and we know that he will) he will need a device that will not have much movement. Otherwise, he will be able to get one that is myoelectric that he will be able to control by movement of his right shoulder. There are many, many choices in between. We are trying to figure out a way that he can get both. We have decided to go with Brian Mueller from UAB Spain Orthonics and Prosthetics. He seems to be the best all around choice. Brett will need a lot of therapy if he goes with the myoelectric prosthesis. Just being able to learn how to move each muscle to control each part will be a learning experience. Brett will still have to learn to write with his left hand. He was hoping that he could write with his prosthesis, but everyone has told him that is not likely.


This whole experience has made us more aware of the pain and suffering that many of our soldiers are coming home with as well as other accident victims. I don't know how people without faith in God manage to get through the tough times. I am so thankful for all of our friends and family members that have continued to pray, call, send cards, and just let us know that we are still in their thoughts and prayers. I know that it is because of God, family, and friends that we have had the strength to get through each day. We are truly grateful for all of you.


Feel free to share this update with others and/or check the Brett Blog at where we will be periodically posting other updates and pictures.


PS:  Everyone is invited to Brett's party on Sunday May 6th @ 6:00 at 29 Dreams.  If possible let us know you are coming by emailing







Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Brett rides again

We can't keep him from doing what he loves! Here is Brett on his blue and his red Honda Hawks. The blue motorcycle is his first bike and the red one was wrecked when we purchased and Brett repaired to the current condition. He is going slow but this requires alot of balance and coordination.

AMA races at Barber's

Brett spent the weekend at the AMA races at Barbers. He felt pretty good and shared his tickets with his friend Justin and his Mom, Dad and Sister.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Brett Cole update as of Sunday April 15, 2007

Brett Cole update as of Sunday April 15, 2007


Dear friends and family:


We attended church as a family Easter Sunday and Brett had a fairly good day except for an occasional pain spike.  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were bad days with a lot of disruptive pain and lack of sleep. 


Despite several rough pain days, Brett had a major breakthrough this week.  On Thursday he drove his truck for the first time.  Not only that, he was pulling a trailer with a motorcycle up highway 25 on the way to the motorcycle shop at 29 dreams.  Of course, Coleen was with him and carefully watching his every move.  He apparently did very well!


Earlier in the week the family visited with a psychologist and he agreed that Brett is doing remarkably well.  The rest of us seem to be coping also.  There is no clinical correct way to deal with the loss of a limb.  The doctor encouraged us and others to treat Brett just the way we always have.  We should recognize that his arm is gone and then focus on the person.  He agreed that Brett's biggest challenge is pain management.  He suggested a session on relaxation therapy and the use of a mirror box as an alternative method to treat the phantom pain.


Brett had two sessions this week with the physical therapist at Lakeshore.  He seems to respond very well to these sessions and we think the exercises help with the pain management.  We are encouraged that Brett has muscle control in his pectorals and upper back that allows him to shrug his shoulder and flex some of the deeper muscles in his injured area. 


On Friday, Brett began sleeping back in his room.  Coleen stayed close by in a trundle bed.  This is big step forward as he begins his journey towards independence.  Brett continues to demonstrate his commitment to doing things on his own.  We worked on a motorcycle on Wednesday and he insisted on doing most of the work himself.  I am his helper and he fusses at me like an inept shop hand when I don't do things exactly his way!


I forgot to share an incident from several weeks ago.  Brett wanted to run the motorcycles that had not been started in over a month of inactivity.  I left him alone for about 15 minutes as he rolled the bikes into the driveway and started them up.  We heard the bike engines but did not realize that he had gotten on them and was apparently riding around in circles in the driveway.  He said he let the idle speed carry him around as he eased out on the clutch.   


It is amazing how we can go from highs to lows.  Brett's progress encourages us but his pain can quickly put a damper on things.  We praise God that he is allowing Brett to improve and giving him the strength to fight through the pain.  We return for the second nerve block on Monday at 2:00.  I am praying that this injection will give more relief and allow Brett to reduce his intake of other medicine.


We continue to be thankful and grateful for the calls, cards and concerns expressed toward Brett and the family. 


Our prayer requests are:


-          Elimination of the "phantom" pain

-          Pray that the nerve block on Monday lasts

-          Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual strength for our family


Note:  You can visit or subscribe to Brett's blog at and provide comments or words of inspiration as appropriate.



Post from Coleen:


I am constantly amazed at this young man that God has blessed us with!

He refuses to let his injury stop him. He says that it has only slowed him down A LITTLE and only in a few areas. He was born with a strong will and much determination.   Not many things will be a difficult challenge for him. Thank God for that!


The owners of the motorcycle resort 29 Dreams, David, and I are having a birthday party for Brett on May 6th, Sunday, from 6:00 pm until 7:00 or 7:30 at 29 Dreams (  Brett turns 18. We are encouraging all his friends and family to attend. Please let me know if you plan on coming so that we can get a head count. You can contact me at


You have all been so gracious with your prayers, calls, visits, letters, email, cards, meals, gifts, etc. Thank you all so much for all of them!

Of course, our first concern is for Brett's spiritual health. I find myself praying that Brett will allow God to use him in the way that He plans. Also, please pray for David, Stacey, and me as we seek God's will in our lives through this experience.


I can tell you as a mom that this is the hardest thing I have ever had to face. This is not one of things that you can put a band aid on, kiss it better, and it is over. I feel so helpless when the phantom pains strike him. It breaks my heart to know that there is nothing we can do for him. But we do know that because God is in control, Brett will continue to heal and the pains will go away. We are also trusting God that Brett will, in the not too distant future, be able to get a prosthetic arm that will do everything he needs and wants it to.


Again, thank you all for being there for us. God Bless you all!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Brett Cole update as of Saturday 4/7/07

Brett Cole update as of Saturday 4/7/07

Dear friends and family:

Today represents the two month mark since Brett’s accident. It is hard to share our struggle even with friends and family but I thank you for allowing me to tell our story.

We are thankful to God that Brett has experienced a reduction in the frequency and severity of the phantom pain episodes. He has been getting better sleep at night and this is good for all of us. His pain is still very real and extremely devastating when he is having an attack. Brett remains resolute in his determination to fight the pain but he is frustrated that relief has not come quicker. We have grown weary as it seems our prayers don’t seem to be answered sometimes but we trust that God is in complete control of this situation.

Last Saturday, Brett and I attended another motorcycle track day in Talladega where we met George Niedobo. George suffered a similar brachial plexus injury in 2000. His right arm is partially paralyzed and fully paralyzed from the elbow to the hand. George was very nice and encouraged Brett to ride again. George showed us the motorcycle that he had equipped for left handed controls. Brett plans to equip one of his bikes with a similar setup and plans to ride on the track again. This hope seems to keep Brett pressing forward.

On Monday, Brett had the medical procedure known as a Stellate Ganglion Block. This is a nerve block of the sympathetic nerve. After the procedure Brett said he felt great. No pain and just a little tingle. We were ecstatic! Brett then got his hair cut and we decided to go out to eat to celebrate. Stacey met us for an early dinner at Shogun. Everything was great until toward the end of dinner when the phantom pain abruptly returned. We were all deflated and saddened. Brett will have several more blocks over the next few months. The next injection will be on the 16th. Apparently these blocks require several injections to be effective. We are encouraged that the first block appeared to have some impact, albeit short lived. This would indicate that phantom pain is a direct result of damaged nerves that can be treated by blocking the neural pathways. We pray that the next injection lasts longer.

Brett also returned to see the orthopedic surgeon Dr. Alonzo. We reviewed the before and after x-rays of Brett’s chest and shoulder. It was amazing to see the difference from the x-ray taken the day of the accident. Dr. Alonzo showed us where Brett’s clavicle had been dislocated 9.3 cm (almost 4 inches) from his sternum. The swelling from the internal tissue damage was amazing. His current x-ray looks clear and most of the swelling has gone. Brett’s scars are healing and all the scabs are now gone. Dr. Alonzo told Brett to resume normal activities and come back in two months. He gave a referral to Lakeshore for some rehabilitation and physical therapy. We have had two sessions with the therapists at Lakeshore and Brett is responding well. His grip strength in his left hand was measured at 112 pounds. He has been squeezing a stress ball for 6 weeks now and has developed a very muscular forearm. Be careful if you shake his left hand!
My work schedule continues to be sporadic. I have been able to get back into some things and make a contribution but I remain ever close to home. I tell people that if they see me at work then they know Brett probably had a good day. I am thankful for a good place to work and good people to work with.

Coleen carries a heavy load. She is a great mother but sometimes fails to take care of herself. She is having lunch today with a good friend and she spent much of Wednesday away from the house while I spent time with Brett. I ask you to pray for Coleen and encourage her to take time for herself or at least take a break. (Coleen will be reading this also… I love you Coleen. : )

So many people have asked “what can we do to help”? Stacey reminded me last night of something practical. She gave blood for the first time in her life. She felt compelled to do this in light of the fact that Brett required 90+ units of blood product during his hospitalization. I encourage everyone that is able to donate blood. Tomorrow is Easter and it reminds me that Jesus’s blood was shed for our sins. Through this sacrifice and his resurrection we know that we are not alone in our struggle.

Thank you all for the prayers, cards, calls and words of encouragement. Feel free to stop by the house. Brett does good with visitors.

Our prayer requests are:

Elimination of the phantom pain.
Pray that the next nerve block lasts longer
Continued peaceful sleep
Emotional, physical and spiritual stamina

PS: I have posted a few pictures and added all of my updates to a blog site for those that are interested.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Pictures of accident scene, etc.

Pictures of accident scene, etc.

Brett Cole update as of Sunday 3/25

Brett Cole update as of Sunday 3/25
Dear friends and family:
Today Brett went to church for the first time in months. He was still hurting this morning but knew that this was something he needed to do. Although he had a few pain spikes, he held up pretty good and handled the end of service greeting time very well.
On Saturday Brett spent most of the day at the track. He performed duties in the morning as a technical inspector of the motorcycles scheduled to ride that day. For the rest of the day he visited with friends and interacted with riders and spectators. By 3:00 he reached his limit and fell asleep on Coleen's lap. This was his first full day out of the house since the accident and he made it a full day.
I watched him throughout the day and could tell he was still dealing with the phantom pain. He carries a stress ball and you can see him squeeze when a pain spike is occurring. It was clear that being active and engaged distracted him some from the pain. He put on a good game face for his friends.
When we arrived home Brett showed more outward indications that the pain was still bothering him but he was also exhausted from the long day. He finally went to sleep and got the first full nights rest in three nights.
We visited the doctors at Pain South on Monday for the third time and had a bad experience with one of the doctors. We received a referral back to UAB Highlands and met with Dr. Ammie Walsh on Thursday. She had thoroughly reviewed Brett's case and was very conversant regarding the facts and severity of his injury. She also has a great demeanor and was very supportive. Dr. Walsh suggested a Stellate Ganglion Block to desensitize the sympathetic nerve. This procedure is scheduled for April 2nd. She thinks that several treatments may give Brett relieve from the phantom pain. We trust that God has directed us to this doctor.
The rest of this week had high and low moments. The pain outbreaks were not quite as severe but they demoralize Brett when they come in back to back succession. He will say that he "can't take it anymore", "make it stop Daddy", etc. On the high side, Brett continues to exhibit independence in many ways. Last Sunday he completed some electrical work on one of the motorcycles he had been repairing for sale. On Friday he removed a tire from a motorcycle and put it back on largely without any help. It is truly amazing to see how much a determined person can overcome.
On the legal front, we think that the other driver's insurance company (Travelers) may possibly pay a claim on Brett's behalf. This will be a small amount reflective of the minimal coverage the other driver had on their vehicle. I encourage you to review your own insurance policies and make sure you have coverage for un/underinsured motorist.
It appears that we have no real hope of justice despite the fact that the woman was driving with a suspended license, seven prior traffic citations, acknowledged speeding and on Brett's side of the road. (She got her license reinstated on the 13th of February after paying a delinquent speeding ticket - 6 days after this accident.) Be careful, she is out there driving on a road somewhere.
We are resolved to press on with life and take one day at a time. We still move through emotional stages of anger, grief and acceptance. God is providing strength and his Word gives us encouragement. We don't get the answers to our "why" questions but we do receive strength for today. Thanks for the continued prayers.
Brett is able to receive visitors and responds well to company but he sometimes grows tired especially if his pain is present. We continue to be encouraged by all the cards, calls, kind words and support.
Our prayer requests remain:
1. Relief from the phantom pain.2. Physical, emotional and spiritual strength for all of us.
Thanks for reading this and feel free to share.

Brett Cole update as of Saturday 3/17

Brett Cole update as of Saturday March 17th
Dear friends and family:
On Wednesday we passed the 5 week mark since Brett's accident . We are weary and frustrated that Brett's phantom pain will not go away. The dosage of the Lyrica was increased on Monday but it has not caused a significant reduction in Brett's pain episodes. He describes the worst pain levels from 5 to 7. I see the pain in his face and body as he tenses up and grips his fist.
Brett continues to fight the pain with an admirable determination. He calls on the Lord and recites scripture for strength. It appears the pain spikes are not quite as intense but they continue through the day and night and disrupt his ability to concentrate and sleep. His attitude remains upbeat and positive when he is not gripped by the pain. Brett may be accepting the pain and tolerating it better. We return to a pain relief specialist for the 3rd time on Monday in hopes to find something that can help.
Coleen and I are working as a tag team to stay with Brett at all times. Coleen has been carrying most of the load during the week and I fill the gaps as much as possible. My work schedule remains sporadic. I have been able to interact with associates and also work some from the house. My main focus remains on Brett. Stacey is home for spring break through Wednesday and that should help some.
We revisit the orthopedic doctor and review x-rays on 3/27. This will actually be the first time for us to see the extent of the skeletal damage to Brett's shoulder area. We expect that Brett will be released for some therapy at the Lakeshore Foundation at this time. Brett's scars are healing nicely. I am amazed at how the human body can recover from such intense trauma.
Brett continues to exhibit signs of independence. He began writing his name and has committed to start work on writing the alphabet each day. Brett has increased his frequency of left handed typing of email and chat. He is corresponding with a fellow motorcycle rider amputee from North Carolina (Mark Zack). Mark is a 50+ year old that had a similar accident and injury in October 2006. He has been very encouraging and has offered some good practical advice to Brett.
Next Saturday, Brett says he wants to work the crash truck at a track day at Little Talladega race track. (This is the type of event where Brett used to ride his motorcycle in a controlled environment.) He has volunteered me and his truck and trailer. I have performed this duty before and I hope Brett has the strength to help. This may be a good "coming out" event for Brett. It is at least something for him to anticipate.
Brett is able to receive visitors and responds well to company but he sometimes grows tired especially if his pain is present. We continue to be encouraged by all the cards, calls, kind words and support. Thanks for reading this and feel free to share.
Our prayer requests remain:
1. Relief from the phantom pain.2. Physical, emotional and spiritual strength for all of us.

Brett Cole update as of Saturday 3/1

Dear friends and family:
Brett Cole update as of Saturday March 10th
What a difference a day makes!
Wednesday represented the 4 week mark since Brett's accident. It seems like months have passed. On Tuesday we visited a pain relief specialist and we were somewhat disappointed that he did not seem to offer any hope for relief for Brett's pain. The doctor prescribed a drug (Lyrica) that is typically given to seizure and diabetes patients. Within a day, we were pleasantly surprised when Brett slept through the night and reported that his pain level was decreasing. We were able to reduce his dosages of Valium and Brett became more alert and clear in his thinking.
On Wednesday when I came home from work I encouraged Brett to take a shower and move around some. Over the next several hours I was elated as Brett began to engage in his normal routine. We spent some time in the basement and actually worked on one of the motorcycles. During this time, he insisted on using the screwdriver and would not allow me to steady the screw. Brett got grease on his hand and we laughed about getting dirty right after a shower. (This is typical Brett.)
That night Brett decided to check his Email and Blog sites. He had well over 1000 emails from friends and acquaintances. He began using his left hand to type and respond to Instant messages. During this time we were able to leave Brett alone for the first time. Coleen and I remained downstairs but this was the first time he did not have one of us right by his side.
Thursday was another good day with Brett and Coleen going out to eat with Stacey. This was Brett's first public outing. He insisted on checking Stacey's engine and while closing the car hood, used his head to hold it up until he could place the hood latch in place. (Thank God Brett is strong willed!)
On Friday, Brett visited the police station to say thanks and pick up his riding boots and gloves. Coleen and Brett also visited 29 dreams (a motorcycle park near Leeds) where Brett has many friends and where Brett often hangs out. Brett shared with me that his friends seemed to be upset but he kept saying "hey, I am still here"!
Brett now remembers much of the day leading up to the crash. He recalls traveling by his friend's house that is less than a mile from the accident scene. He has now seen the accident photographs and is handling this fairly well. His anger and grief is focused on the damage to his motorcycle and not himself. He is very frustrated about the injustice of the fact that the other driver is still allowed to be on the road after driving with a suspended license, being on his side of the road and admitting to speeding. He seems determined to let this motivate him toward his law degree so he can make a difference.
Unfortunately, the phantom pains returned Friday night and disrupted his sleep again. We return to the pain relief doctor on Monday. It looks like we may be on an emotional roller coaster ride for awhile. Even on the good days, Brett says the pain can sometimes hit a level 5 to 7 but now the episodes don't last as long. We are thankful that God has provided some pain relief for Brett. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support regarding this matter.
I was able to work three full days and it was therapeutic for me. I enjoy my work and it was nice to be a little involved again. Coleen had some relief as a result of Brett being able to have some normal activities. We are still tired, stressed and healing and the love, support and prayers continue to uplift us.
Again we all want to express our gratitude for everything you have done for us. We are eternally grateful. Thanks for taking the time to read this and allow me to share with you.

Brett Cole update as of Sunday 3/4

Dear friends and family:
It has been over a week since my last update. These tend to be an emotionally draining exercise but therapeutic at the same time. Thank you for your continued prayer and support for all of us.
Brett has had a terrible week suffering with excruciating phantom pain. He describes it as a level 10 pain and it feels like someone is stabbing his hand. He feels specific pain in his missing pinky and ring fingers and sometimes along the outer edge of the missing hand. These episodes last from 10 to 30 minutes and he cries, moans and screams in pain. He sometimes gets very agitated and active seeking some relief.
Unfortunately, the doctors have not been able to help. On Friday, they changed Brett's phantom pain medicine to Valium and it seems to reduce the length of the episodes. I think it is simply putting him to sleep. Brett has been sleeping in four hour increments and we rejoice that he can get this rest.
Our good friends (Henry & Candice Turner) run a medical supply distribution business. Henry was able to bring a TENS unit to the house Friday night. This device uses electrical impulse to interrupt nerve pathways in order to ease pain. Our doctor agreed to allow this device although they had not prescribed it for treatment. Brett seems to have responded somewhat to this treatment but it has not eliminated the phantom pain.
We have requested an appointment with a pain specialist as early as possible. It appears that we may see a pain relief doctor on Tuesday. The medical profession does not really seem to know how to deal with this issue. Drugs are the most common treatment. They don't know how long this will last. It is different for each person. They say it may pass within a few more weeks but they really don't know. His attitude has been good when he has visitors and not in pain but the pain robs any ability to have positive thoughts.
We are thankful for each day and Brett has been able to sleep in our bed for the last week. Moving out of the chair into the bed was a big accomplishment. His neck pain has eased but occasionally he gets tight around the neck. Thanks for your prayers regarding these issues.
Brett is eating regularly and able to take care of himself for most basic functions. He is using his left hand to feed himself although sometimes he wants us to help. I get tickled when his stubborn independence kicks in. We raced in tying shoes with the left hand. I used my toes and he said I cheated because that would only work with one shoe off. He opens candy with one hand and his mouth. When he feels strong enough, Brett has read email and uses the (MtoC) interface for typing. (That is the Mom to Computer interface for the computer challenged!) : )We visited the trauma doctor on Wednesday and he reminded us that it had only been three weeks. This doctor was on the team that operated on Brett. He pointed out that Brett's injury had a very high mortality rate and he was fortunate to have Doctor Alonso as his attending surgeon. He said that Dr. Alonso has written clinical papers on this type of injury and is considered one of the best. We are thankful for the medical care provided to Brett.
I returned to work on the 26th but quickly realized that I was needed more at home. I took off on Friday because Coleen was totally exhausted and Brett was constantly calling for me. He says my eyes make him calm down so I have spent a lot of time by his side. I intend to work from home and the office as time allows over the next few weeks. I am thankful to work for a great company with great staff and bosses. Thanks for all the support.
We also covet your continued prayers. Please pray for Brett's pain to cease. I lay hands and pray fervently and we know others are lifting him up in prayer. Also pray for Brett's attitude as he deals with the anger he is feeling each time he suffers in pain.
Again I express my heartfelt gratitude for all of the cards, calls, gifts, kind words, meals, encouragement and prayers. We truly are uplifted by the kindness.

Brett Cole update as of Friday 2/23

Today represents one week since Brett came home from the hospital. He has made steady progress but still is struggling with neck, shoulder pain and discomfort. He is eating at meal time but still not much "healthy" food. Brett's attitude remains positive and generally upbeat. We are all sleeping a little better but Brett still sleeps in the recliner. His pain threshold ranges from 3 to 7 on a ten point scale. He occasionally mentions phantom pain in his missing limb. Yesterday, he told me is right hand was in a fist. (This part is painful for me to hear.)
On Wednesday, we visited the orthopedic doctor (Dr. Alonso) that saved his life. The doctor was pleased with Brett's progress and told us we all needed to be patient. He reminded us that it had only been 14 days and Brett had experienced major trauma. They removed the staples and stitches and his wounds were healing well. The doctor advised us not to worry about exploring the details of the injury at this time. He told us to come back in a month at which time we will review x-rays and discuss next steps. We visit the trauma and vascular doctor next Wednesday. Not sure what to expect from that visit.Brett has received visitors daily and has not shown any sign of self consciousness. He actually stood in the room bare chest when a few of the neighbors came over. I was more uncomfortable than he was. Brett is bathing himself and able to generally take care of himself but he let's Coleen feed him. His left arm is now hurting - we think from over use.
On another tragic note - we have determined that the other driver only had $25,000 in insurance (the minimum required in AL). They probably don't have many assets and would probably file bankruptcy if we file and win a suit against them. This remains a dilemma for us. I feel that we have a good attorney representing us (Leon Ashford) and he is evaluating all options.Friends, neighbors and family have all been very gracious toward providing us with food and other sustenance. We have plenty of food for now and should be fine for a while.
Thanks to everyone for your love and support.
Our prayer requests remain:
1. Pray for Brett's pain to be reduced and eliminated.2. Prayer for physical, emotional and spiritual strength.3. Wisdom to deal with the legal and insurance issues before us

Brett Cole update as of Tuesday 2/20

Brett continues to strengthen each day. He is able to sleep a little better although he has not yet moved into a bed. He sleeps in the recliner because his neck hurts while laying down.
His appetite is improving and he has eaten some healthy food. Still putting away the Gatoraide.
We picked up his motorcycle today and Brett was already planning how to salvage parts. The bike was not damaged as bad as we thought. Coleen cried. I was amazed that he survived. There was another bike in the yard where the rider perished the previous day. That put things in perspective.
We visit the doctor tomorrow. This will be the first time Brett has heard the extent of his bone damage from a doctor.
Brett remains in surprisingly good spirits. I think Coleen and I are still more upset than him.
We want to thank everyone for the outpouring of gifts, calls, cards, visits, etc. Brett is clearly encouraged by all of this.
I hope to return to work no later than February 26th but I am so thankful for a terrific staff that has handled things in my absence. Great people in the right places doing the right things....
Current prayer requests:
1. Pray for pain in the neck to ease. (We are thankful that this is improving daily.)
2. Continued healing of wounds. (We are thankful that there does not appear to be any infection)
3. Pray for spiritual, physical and emotional strength. (We are thankful that God has provided in this area.)
4. Pray for Brett to have restful sleep.

Brett Cole update as of Sunday 2-18-07

We praise the Lord that Brett was able to come home Friday afternoon. I should not have been surprised, but I was. God was answering our prayers.
We were all glad to be home.
Unfortunately, Brett did not sleep well Friday and Saturday night. He has pain is in his neck where he sustained much stress and trauma on the muscles, tendons and ligaments. He feels phantom pain in his missing limb.
Brett's appetite is gradually returning. He has eaten McDonald's double cheeseburgers for lunch the past few days and small amounts of other food. The Gatoraide seems to be his life blood right now and I am convinced that it has helped in his quick recovery. We return to the orthopedic doctor on Wednesday.
The visitors, cards, calls, gifts, etc., have been overwhelming. Thanks will never be enough.... but THANK YOU~!
We have a long road ahead of us and we appreciate all of the continued support.
Current prayer requests:
1. Elimination of pain in Brett's neck.
2. Allow Brett to have a restful sleep at night.
3. Prayer for us to do the right thing regarding seeking damages from the other driver.

Brett Cole update as of Thursday morning 2-15-07

Brett Cole status report – 2/15/07 @ 10:30
Wow – what a difference a day makes. God answered our prayers and Brett is doing great.
He has eaten a little better. (Cake, apple pie, chick-fil-a sandwich, and a few other bites of healthy food.) Eating what a teenager eats! He is also consuming orang e Gatorade – his favorite drink.
The doctors removed his chest drainage tube, his catheter and his IV. Brett has been walking on his own and able to make one lap around the hall.
Swelling is down in his injured arm (he is calling it is stub) and they may remove the remaining drainage tube from that area today.
Brett is not sleeping well due to a pain in his neck that appears to be a type of whiplash. This pain is rated by him as a 4 – 5 on a 10 point scale. It bothers him move than the amputation. The doctor prescribed a muscle relaxer for him today. (This is our main prayer request – for God to ease and remove the pain and discomfort in his neck.)
Based on the comments of the physical therapist and doctors, it is possible that we will be able to take Brett home by the weekend! Praise the Lord.
Brett remains in good spirits and has received many visits from friends. He is usually more interested in talking about them.
We also received the police report last night. The lady driver was driving with a suspended license and admitted exceeding the speed limit. All evidence indicates that she was fully in Brett’s lane upon impact. Brett still does not remember leaving the house. Please pray that we will know how to properly deal with this part of the tragedy.
I told Brett that I was sending an update today. He said “tell everyone thanks for the prayer and support…” He wants to get back on a computer so he can send thank you notes to all his friends.
Yesterday Brett said “God must sure have something big planned for me…”
Yes He must!
Brett, Coleen, Stacey and I sincerely thank you all for each expression of kindness and support. We have a journey ahead but we walk strong knowing God, friends and family will see us through.
God bless you.

Brett Cole update as of 6:30 Tuesday 2-13

Brett Cole status report - Feb 13th
Since the last update, God has answered our prayers regarding improved breathing for Brett and the communication of the news of his amputation.
Unfortunately, Brett was told by a nurse instead of us. This happened Monday morning and began a long day. Brett asked me "why did the nurse take my arm"?
I guess this was the best way. I told him what happened and he was concerned about his motorcycle, his race day, the leather riding suit he had promised to someone, his English class and the racing school.
Brett continued to improve throughout the day and we spent much of the afternoon trying to get him comfortable in bed. By Monday afternoon - he had gone 30 hours without pain medicine and sedation and it was time to give him something for pain. He began taking Percocet around 6:00 pm and has been taking 10 mg every 4 hours. He rates his pain as a 3 on a 10 point scale. (he is tough)
We were excited to be moved to a step down ICU room around 10:00 pm Monday night. I was able to stay the night with him for the first time since the accident. We had a long night of discomfort and grieving. It was good for us to cry together. He also needed me to lift him up in the bed. Coleen knew this would be a problem for her.
Tuesday began another day of small victories. Brett met with a physical therapist and an occupational therapist. The PT made him get out of bed, walk a few steps and sit in a chair upright for one hour. Although he was exhausted - this was a major gain from where he had been.
We had several visits from doctors and all were encouraging while cautious regarding his continued improvement. It is possible that he will be in ICU until the weekend and then a regular room into next week. Rehab may be as an outpatient.
Brett may start receiving visitors for a few minutes over the next few days. No flowers please since he is allergic.
Current prayer request:
1. Brett needs to eat. He does not have an appetite.
2. He needs to sit up and walk some.
3. Pray that his shoulder wounds heal properly.
4. The chest drainage tube to be removed.
5. Strength for another night and another day.
Thanks to everyone for the thoughts, prayers and practical expressions of kindness and care. I will try to keep you updated as time and energy allows.

Brett Cole update as of 6:30 Sunday 2 -11

Another long day. The best and worst day so far.
Brett was taken off of all sedation and pain medicine. His breathing tube removed. We were able to partially communicate although it was difficult.
He was very active with both legs and arm. Brett was agitated and determined to get up..
He ‘told’ me to get him out of the bed. Wanted to know why he was here and where he was..
Thought we were holding him down. I think his chest feels heavy.
He still was in a partial dream state due to residual drugs in his system.
Later in the day he had trouble breathing and they put a breathing mask on him. (Similar to what is used for sleep apnea.)
Our current prayer requests are:
1. Brett's unassisted breathing and ability to expectorate. Cough it up boy!
2. Physical, mental and spiritual strength for Brett and the rest of the family. (We have told him of the accident but not of his lost arm. This news will probably be delivered tomorrow.)
We hope to see Brett improve on Monday and Tuesday to the point he is released from ICU.
Thanks for all the expressions of love and encoragement. It has been uplifting.
Although we don't understand why this has happened we will trust and praise God each day.
Pictures of accident

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