Brett Cole update as of Saturday April 28, 2007
I am thankful to God that Brett will celebrate his 18th birthday on May 6th. We are encouraged by the progress that he has made over the past 11 weeks. The Lord has answered many of our prayers and we give thanks for his sustaining grace. I ask you to continue to remember Brett in your prayers and ask God to remove the phantom pains. These continue to trouble Brett but they seem to be a little less frequent and sometimes less intense. Brett is scheduled for his third nerve block on Thursday and we pray for further pain relief. He seems to get some relief from these but they have a delayed reaction.
Despite his torment, Brett continues to engage in some of his usual activities. We spent last weekend at the AMA motorcycle races at the Barber motor sports park. (This is an incredible facility that everyone should see at least once.) Brett was fortunate and thankful to receive tickets for each day of the race and he shared the fun with his friend Justin, Coleen, Stacey and me.
Brett spent some time in the paddock area and met a mechanic with only one arm. Brett also was able to sit on the actual Honda race bike driven by Miguel Duhamel. He also met, shook hands with, and got the personal card of Kenny Roberts, Sr. (a famous motorcycle racer with two sons who now race).
Brett continues his occupational therapy at Lakeshore and this seems to be helping him physically and mentally. His grip strength has increased from 112 pounds to 130 pounds. (Be advised that this is a bone crushing grip strength!) He is able to move his shoulder and has some deep muscle control. They are focused on strengthening his pectoral, trapesius, and core muscles. They also encourage him to strengthen his left arm. His scars are healing well and part of the therapy is touch and massage in the injured area.
The therapist (Cheryl) at Lakeshore has been very helpful and encouraging. She has studied to become familiar with motorcycles and has demonstrated a genuine concern and care for Brett's well being. She can get him to do the exercises without Brett complaining, and he doesn't mind when she massages his scars. She instructs him about his posture and he obeys immediately. (Coleen wishes for the same type response from him at home!)
We have visited three Prosthetists that have said that Brett will have many choices on which prosthesis he will be able to use. If he is going to continue to ride the motorcycle on the track (and we know that he will) he will need a device that will not have much movement. Otherwise, he will be able to get one that is myoelectric that he will be able to control by movement of his right shoulder. There are many, many choices in between. We are trying to figure out a way that he can get both. We have decided to go with Brian Mueller from UAB Spain Orthonics and Prosthetics. He seems to be the best all around choice. Brett will need a lot of therapy if he goes with the myoelectric prosthesis. Just being able to learn how to move each muscle to control each part will be a learning experience. Brett will still have to learn to write with his left hand. He was hoping that he could write with his prosthesis, but everyone has told him that is not likely.
This whole experience has made us more aware of the pain and suffering that many of our soldiers are coming home with as well as other accident victims. I don't know how people without faith in God manage to get through the tough times. I am so thankful for all of our friends and family members that have continued to pray, call, send cards, and just let us know that we are still in their thoughts and prayers. I know that it is because of God, family, and friends that we have had the strength to get through each day. We are truly grateful for all of you.
Feel free to share this update with others and/or check the Brett Blog at where we will be periodically posting other updates and pictures.
PS: Everyone is invited to Brett's party on Sunday May 6th @ 6:00 at 29 Dreams. If possible let us know you are coming by emailing